Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Faith Comes by Hearing

Faith Comes by Hearing - Hosanna

Pretty cool ministry. For some reason, at first I wasn't impressed that these guys have translated the New Testament into 329 different languages...but when I started reading the language names and realized I'd never even heard of 98% of them, my jaw dropped onto my mouse pad.

There are a lot of people in a lot of places from a lot of backgrounds that need to hear the Word of God. This is just 1 example of how 1 ministry is trying to accomplish that.

Did You Know?
- 65% of Bible-believing Christians have never read the entire New Testament (
- 43% of American adults function at or below basic literacy levels – making them incapable of meaningful Bible reading (
- In a survey of more than 500 pastors, 47% cited “lack of time” as the main reason more Christians don’t read the Bible (Phone survey, Hosanna, 1996).
- 58% of the U.S. adult population will never read another book after high school ( Aug 2007).
- 42% of U.S. university graduates never read another book ( Aug 2007).
- Over 50% of teens in America believe that Jesus may have committed sins (
- Many Americans are biblically illiterate!


Audio Bible said...
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Audio Bible said...

Thank you for the blog post about Faith Comes By Hearing. God's Word is for all people, regardless if they have the ability to read or the money for a Bible.

Faith Comes By Hearing is grateful that God has called us to this worldwide mission of bringing His Word to all nations in a format, language, and quality they can understand.

Thank you again for your post.
Jon D. Wilke
Faith Comes By Hearing