Monday, October 6, 2008


I was listening to a radio broadcast of Jay Sekulow Live on 100.7 The Word today while driving to wonder, beautiful Dayton, TX.  Jay was talking about the significance of the Government's new $700 billion bail-out program and the impacts it likely will have on the average person.  

A self-professing Christian woman called in to the radio broadcast show in response to the bail-out plan discussion and made a statement that at first made me angry and then made me extremely sad.  She said that unlike many other Christians, she felt that Barack Obama would be the best choice for President of the United States...stay with me - everyone is entitled to their own vote so it wasn't because she said she was voting for Senator Obama that upset me.  When the radio host asked why she was voting that way, her response was that she didn't care too much for Obama but that the Democratic party that was backing him had the best ideas for the future of our country.  Jay asked her what she meant and she said that the Democrats would do what was in the best interest of the people of the United States in terms of fixing our economy, and correcting all the financial instability that the bail-out would fail at accomplishing.  Jay stopped her and asked for clarification on her voting decision, "As a Christian you would be ok with the immorality of the death of innocent lives in the form of partial-birth abortions as accepted by the Democratic ticket?"  Her response - "I DON'T CARE.  I'M NOT THE ONE HAVING ABORTIONS."

How sad when we, as Christians, stop caring about the ungodly atrocities around us simply because it is not directly affecting us at this time.  This woman, and likely tens if not hundreds of thousands of other self-professing Christians, care much more for their bank accounts and investment portfolios then the innocent life of a child who never got a chance to laugh,smile, or feel the warm and gentle embrace of another human being. When we care more for maintaining our comfortable way of lives than giving a child a fair chance at life, we have lost our way as a people and a nation.  How dare we be so thoughtless and cold!

Jesus said in Mark 9:13; "Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me."  When we welcome a new life into the world, we welcome God into our lives.  If we stand by and do nothing as life is rejected, can you really believe that when you stand accountable before Christ that He will not reject you?

We need to be wise about the decisions we make.  No greater decision now than voting for our next President.  Pray for both Presidential candidates.  Pray for our nation.  Pray for each other.  God bless.

Where Are My Sermons!!???!??

Technical difficulties at Christians and their hi-tech nonsense! Blah!

I will post a new blog.....NOW!